KaLenDer BaRu_Q


Kamis, 25 September 2008


KeBaikan adalah hasrat dari dalam yang membuat kita ingin melakukan hal-hal baik kendati pun tidak mendapatkan imbalan. Kita melakukannya karena suka,jika kita melakukan hal-hal baik karena hasrat dari dalam ini, maka akan ada kebaikan dalam segala yang kita pikirkan, katakn, inginkan dan lakukan.

What is LoVe?

Love Myspace Comments

LoVe is like a sword. It make the owner became strong and fear nothinh. Sometimes it pierces the heartand make us feel helpless.

LoVe is life it self. This means that he who has no lave, has no life.

Love is trust. It needs loyalty and responsibility. To be in love is like entering into the word of dreams. Sometimes what happent is not the same as what we axcept or imagine. Sometimes it is so wonderful or miserable that we cann't believe that it is real.

I Just called to say I LOVE
I Just called to say HowMuch I Care
I Just called to say I mean in from the bottom of my heart

My FaVoRiTe Team

JuVenTus iS The Best Lah . . .
MaJu tRuS panTang MunDuR.

Minggu, 14 September 2008